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Brett Housley, MHR, LPC

ADHD-Clinical Services Provider

In 2022 I chose to start ADHD123 Testing because of the shortage of testing facilities. It is my goal to provide our community with the most accurate and timely testing possible.


Only accepting new clients for ADHD testing. Do you know what ADHD looks like? Do you or your child experience any of the following? Makes careless mistakes and lack attention to details? Have difficulty paying attention to tasks or while playing? Seem to not listen when spoken to directly? Fail to follow through on instructions, work or school assignments? If so, these are examples of Inattention.


Similarly, unable to play quietly or, if older, participate in leisurely activities? Acts as if “on the go” or “driven by a motor?" Talks excessively? Blurts out an answer before a question has been asked? Have difficulty waiting his or her turn? Interrupts or intrudes on others? These are examples of Hyperactivity and Impulsivity.


Luckily for you and/or your child, there is help. ADHD123 Testing is taking new clients. We use the latest batteries to provide your therapist and Doctor with the most accurate test results in an easy to understand format.

1. Get Tested.

2. Get Treated.


Call 405-535-5695 today to get scheduled!

Batteries utilized for testing:


  • MHS testing material:  the Conners 4, Conners Adult ADHD Rating Scale 2 (CAARS2), and the Conners CPT 3.​


  • Self Identifying test material, such as the Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD7), the Clinically Useful Depression Outcome Scale (CUDOS), Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders (SCARED), and the Executive Skills Function 7.


We also offer a detailed list of therapists and Family Practitioners in the local area to meet your needs going forward.  

Oklahoma ADHD Testing


5350 S Western Ave 
Oklahoma City OK  73109

Oklahoma ADHD Testing

Call 405-535-5695

Oklahoma ADHD Testing
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Oklahoma ADHD Testing

The content on this website is intended to provide general information about the symptoms of ADHD in adults or children and is not for diagnostic purposes. Nothing on this website replaces talking with your healthcare professional to assess your condition and determine the need for a treatment plan appropriate for you. The information on this site is not intended to make a diagnosis or to take the place of talking to a US healthcare professional. This site is intended solely for US residents and is governed solely by US laws and government regulations. Please see our online privacy policy for more information. While ADHD123Testing, LLC makes reasonable efforts to include accurate, up-to-date information on the site, ADHD123Testing, LLC makes no warranties or representations as to its accuracy. ADHD123Testing, LLC assumes no liability for any errors or omissions in the content of the site. Oklahoma ADHD Testing logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of ADHD123Testing, LLC. Copyright ©2021 ADHD123Testing, LLC  All rights reserved.  Designed by HYPNO

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